How to Install Python 3.x in Windows and Linux
The current version of python 3.9.5 IDLE (Integrated Development Learning Environment) is used to develop a code and run a code. It can be downloaded from any web source like
Python Download Link:
Go to the above Link that links redirects to the python official website and click Download the latest version of Python available there. The current version of Python is 3.9.5 to handle interpreters.

After the successful install of .exe. Go to Downloads or a specific folder to install the .exe file of python. Double click the .exe file. It shows like this

Make sure you add python 3.9 to the path or not. It’s important for adding some additional modules and libraries. Then click Install now it asks user control to install Python and gives ‘Yes’ it takes some time to install.
That’s all your Python is successfully installed and now ready to code. Now you can check your system, the python is installed or not. Remainings will see in the next blogs.
Python install in Linux
As well as You can download python in Linux also we know that python is working on all platforms. In Linux go to cmd and make sure that your all updates are latest and give a command
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get upgrade
- sudo apt install python

After that you can check your python is install or not just command python –version or python -V. It shows a current version of python running on your system. Remainings are continued in the next blog
My Previous blog
Introduction to Python and Limitations: