How to mark your location on a map using python

How to mark your location on a map using python

Mark your location on the world map. Before getting into this we will have a python and turtle graphics library. In this case, I will use pycharm IDE. Let’s move on to a crazy project, How to install pycharm in windows: Open New Projects After opening a pycharm click on a new project and you can give…

What are the terminologies used in networking?

What are the terminologies used in networking?

In this world of networking, we will learn some basic terminologies of networks such as LAN, WAN, IP address, TCP, UDP, client-server model, and more. What is Networking A Network Operator is a provider of wired and wireless communications services that owns or controls the infrastructure necessary for exchanging the services to the device. There…

How to Create a Data Visualization in Python

How to Create a Data Visualization in Python

Now, More companies are entering the data science fields. Data visualization is the only way to understand the data easily. There is some major data visualization are line plotting, Bar plotting, Histogram plotting, Scatter plotting. Data Visualization Data visualization is the representation of data through the use of graphics, such as charts, plots, infographics, and…

How to impress a girlfriend heart using python

How to impress a girlfriend heart using python

Let’s move on to an awesome project on how to impress your girlfriend or Boyfriend’s heart using python heart ❤️. Before getting into this we will have a python and turtle graphics library. In this case, I will use pycharm IDE How to install pycharm in windows: Open New Projects After opening a pycharm click on…

How to send Gmail using python | Just 2 lines

How to send Gmail using python | Just 2 lines

You can send the Gmail message with just 2 lines of python code. Let’s move on to an awesome project. Before getting into this, we will have a python interpreter and pywhatkit packages. In this case, I will use pycharm IDE. How to install pycharm in windows: Turn On Less Secure apps Generally, Google turns off…

How to Display Alert Message using Python

How to Display Alert Message using Python

You can display the alert message with just 2 lines of python code. Let’s move on to an awesome project. Before getting into this, we will have a python interpreter andPyAutoGUI packages. In this case, I will use pycharm IDE. How to install pycharm in windows: Open New Projects After opening a pycharm click on a new…